Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why Knight not Day??

I have wanted to start a family blog for a long time...but I just kept making excuses...well tonight was the night. I thought my E is almost 6 and A is now fully into the 3's and I do not want to forget to record another moment. I am going to use this blog for family happenings, cute things my kids say and just day to day thoughts.

So why did I name it Knight not Day? Well about a year or so ago the kids and I were in the car and E said to me, "Mom, I am tired of being a Knight, can we try be a Day for awhile?" He is always thinking! I said we are not that kind of Knight, and no we can not just change our names! It still makes me laugh to think that he thought it was all this simple.

I will write more soon. I am hoping to make jump on weekly and blog away. I will be adding little things that happened in the past so that I can remember to share the stories with them someday!

Blessings to All!